
Error-prone IT infrastructure, overdrawn budgets and missed project deadlines - test management in software implementation projects is often neglected, but is crucial for quality and time-to-market. We show you how to leverage these dominant competitive factors.

Testing is an essential task in any IT project, because it involves meeting the requirements for the functions of an IT system. As such, these tests have a direct influence on the subsequent quality of your product in operation - if complications arise afterwards, there is a risk of high consequential costs and reputational damage.

Accordingly, runnability, stability and high quality should not be underestimated. When conducting tests, it is a matter of focusing on the essentials that are necessary for the successful execution of a test project. To this end, we work with you to define a test strategy, test objectives and methods, including the necessary metrics, defect management and documentation.

Good software quality is a decisive competitive advantage - thanks to early error detection, you save costs for rework and reduce the effort required for unnecessary maintenance work. Testing also makes the work in your team smarter, because it increases the motivation of all colleagues involved. Königsweg accompanies you and supports you with our diverse experience.

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We thank you for your interest in targeted innovation and transformation and look forward to continuing to accompany you on your journey into the digitized future.

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